
In the picture
We are never without God. We are never without Jesus. In one picture, we see that to be true. In one lifetime, we might even experience the same.

Above us and before us
The Plains in scripture are a place of deep, deep sadness. And they are also the place where we too can meet God. Jesus is on this Plain for the valley has been lifted up and the crowd see him there, face to face just as Ezekiel found the glory of God, the glory of the lord. In the valleys, atop the mountains, God is with us.

Both Servant and Free
Because we love, we are free. And in a world serving division and hate and vitriol, that freedom is needed. In fact, it is necessary.

Precious in her sight
Friends. You are loved. You are seen by God and no matter where you are in life and no matter your mood, God sees you. Always.

Mercy mild
They passed by the seats of power and landed in a small backwater town in a land filled with gentiles. A humble town. A humble place. A city perfect for a child born in a manger and wrapped in swaddling clothes.

Christmas Day
God continues to flow in and through us, in vast currents of gushing love and in slow trickles of loving confirmation that makes us realize on our hardest days, we are indeed... loved.

Christmas Eve
We are blessed this night and always. God has broken through. Christ is born anew.

It’s wonderful to prepare
We might not all experience the big dreams of world travel and building big buildings, but each of us has a purpose deigned by God to serve. To make each individual’s life easier by smoothing their mountains, by raising their valleys, by making straight the crooked, and making the rough ways smooth.

Prepare for the Beginning
When the kingdom returns is anyone’s guess and the promise of that return is the blessing we seek. There is no sense in listening to false predictions when we have the hope of Christ before us. So, now we prepare, both for the kingdom and the Christ child. For the perfect and the good. For the arrival. And for the beginning. Once again.

God is with us
So that we suffer is one thing, but there is the greater thing. God is with us. Despite our human inclinations, despite our violence, despite our sinfulness, despite our mortality, God is with us. And throughout our mortal, un-godlike lives, God is always with us.

Loving each other and this place
Ultimately, the question is answered, we know which kingdom shall come to pass, the one that will last, the one to which we all aspire. Yet throughout Jesus’ ministry there is tension between wishing to be freed from human bonds and Jesus’ professing of the greater kingdom to come. And that perhaps, is a tension we continue to see.

There’s good and then there’s good
We are almost shamed in this chapter, we almost want to cry out as Peter did, “Look, we have left everything and followed you.” What more do you want? What more must I do? I’ve served the church and do not think I haven’t noticed you all serving the church. Do not think your efforts have gone unnoticed. Do not think your welcoming arms have been filled without reason, the dirt from working in the memorial garden under your fingernails is there because you served this church. We dine together, we cry together, we laugh and sing and praise God together. What more can you want, Jesus?

The Good, the Bad, and Everything
Because even though the kingdom promises more, our investment in our community provides graces far more than we invest. That you can look to your neighbor and see that you are loved is so very beneficial in a world being split apart by vitriol or, even worse, apathy. That we are a beacon of love is evidence of God’s love and God’s hope for the wider world, a community of love born through the love of God and God’s son, Jesus Christ. If we allow God’s love to wash over us, if we allow ourselves to feel God’s love and then to share that love, then we will become that much closer to being “good” than if we ran from God.

Taking up your cross and others’
We give up our lives so that we might live our lives through the lens of the gospel. We take up the cross, the burden of community so that we might live. And, ultimately, we take up each other’s cross.

Needing to struggle
You see, when we are faithful, we are faithful to God’s word, we are faithful to all that we are commanded to do. When we are faithful we do not preach division and discord but love, only love. When we are faithful, we lift up the poor, feed the hungry, heal the sick, visit the prisoner and so on.

Love poems about God and otherwise
This love, this love between two human adults can expand the boundaries of one’s perspective from just a sense of self, a sense of ego, to caring for another so much that our egos recede as we become one couple, one body.

(Trying not to write about) What I did for my summer vacation
Our faith carries us home and still, we are a people of many layers. Our public selves might not always show what is on our mind, what troubles us or brings us great joy even though we remain joyful; even though we remain troubled. Yet through our relationship with God, we are promised, WE ARE PROMISED, eternal life and spiritual life that makes us full.