South Glastonbury Hall of Fame

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is spearheading the creation of a South Glastonbury Hall of Fame to recognize businesses, organizations, or individuals within South Glastonbury who have provided exceptional service and dedication to the town and its citizens or the greater community.   The new inductees will be celebrated at a ceremony to take place on September 28th each year – National Good Neighbor Day.  

In 1978, Jimmy Carter issued the following proclamation: “As our Nation struggles to build friendship among the peoples of this world, we are mindful that the noblest human concern is concern for others. Understanding, love and respect build cohesive families and communities. The same bonds cement our Nation and the nations of the world. For most of us, this sense of community is nurtured and expressed in our neighborhoods where we give each other an opportunity to share and feel part of a larger family…I call upon the people of the United States and interested groups and organizations to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

To be eligible to be considered for induction into the South Glastonbury Hall of Fame the nominee must:

  1. Be a resident, business, or organization located in South Glastonbury who exemplifies the positive spirit of public service within the community or beyond.  (There can be a posthumous award). 

  2. Be a South Glastonbury resident who is a role model to others, stands out as a leader, and/or facilitates bringing people together to serve others.

  3. Be a person, business or organization who has worked to serve the South Glastonbury community even if they reside elsewhere.

Initially, the selection committee will consist of 5 members of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church.  However, inductees into the Hall of Fame will then be invited to join that committee going forward as they are willing and able.  

To nominate a person, business, or organization:

  • Complete the information sheet on the reverse side.

  • Attach two nomination letters (the people writing the letters should not be related to each other).

  • Complete this form by June 1, 2025

Nomination form.

For questions, please contact us at:
(860) 633-7175

915 Main St - South Glastonbury - CT - 06073