St. Luke’s Book Group

When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart… - Jeremiah 29:13

Join us for regular book studies as we share thoughts and ideas around each season’s chosen topic. Our next book group is convening for Lent 2024.

Join us, 7 pm on Thursdays throughout Lent!

Lenten Book Study

Life of the Beloved

Spiritual Living in a Secular World

An invitation to acknowledge our brokenness and awaken to the abiding love that God has for us, this classic explains the spiritual life in simple terms, avoiding theology and technical language. One of Nouwen’s greatest legacies to seekers of all backgrounds.

This work began as a conversation between friends. Fred Bratman, a secular journalist and writer, asked Henri Nouwen to write a book that explained the spiritual life in terms that he and other friends living a fast-paced, city life could understand. Nouwen plumbs the depths of what is most personal and vital in his own Christian faith and shares it in a masterpiece that transcends religious barriers and speaks to the universal truth of the divine.

“What does it mean to live as God’s beloved? In this short book, Henri Nouwen explores this question, describing to an unbelieving friend how embracing our identity as a beloved child of God transforms our lives and the way we make decisions.” —Discipleship Journal

“Anyone who is searching for the Spirit of God in the world today will benefit from reading it.” —Horizons

Sign up for the book study here: