
Love your Neighbor, No Exceptions
This is difficult love. It is hard to love. And yet we must love.
We can look at this world as a world on fire, of declining institutions and relationships; we can shrug our shoulders at such intrigue and opt out of all that troubles us. Doing so, though would mean we are not loving each other.

Go, Go and Love those Hardest to Love
And it is not comfortable work and I acknowledge that with that pause and prayer before each door is knocked on, but it is necessary work and that is evident by the stories shared and the relief sometimes felt in being able to tell those stories.
Friends, we are called on to share the word and share it well.

More to the Story
I am not sure on what side of that argument I’m on, but it is important to think about such things as we need to wrestle with scripture if we are to allow it into our hearts and impact how we go about allowing the Word to transform our lives.

Know you are loved. A Trinity Sunday reflection
There is no greater message I can utter than week after week finding a new way to say that you are loved, that through God you are fully and completely loved, and that God, the very essence of God no matter how you understand God, is love.

Frosty the Snowman and the Pentecost
We can be a place of respite for those who looking for rest. We can take on the evils of this world as Christians are charged to do through love and companionship. We can speak in many tongues and understand all of them.
Yet for us to do so, we must bend to those looking. Search for those wandering. Evangelize to the wondering.

God is with us. Where is God?
We are a separated and broken people and we heal our brokenness through love.
Love of God and love of each other.
By seeking out love we will see those who might be different from us, who might hold different beliefs from us as the extended portion of God’s family, our family.

Thinking about Glory
And sometimes it is hard to love, seemingly impossible to love, but loving each other is the work we have to do if we are to complete that work.
Because through the difficulty, overcoming the hardness of the action, if we love each other, we are creating relationships and bonds that will bring about the kingdom Christ promises all of us.
Love each other and in that love we will find eventually the glory of God.

Isabella Stewart Gardner and a Mother’s Love
And at some point during worship, when we are truly present before God, when we realize we are in room inhabited by and gathered together in the name of love for each other and the perfect love of Jesus Christ, we begin to feel God’s presence.

Fit Guy and seeing Christ in all peoples
We did not walk with the Jesus across Galilee as the disciples did, but we are in some ways no different than those disciples for we too are called to tend God’s sheep.

Our choice is do we now leave the empty tomb and evangelize the word of our living Lord?
Or do we visit the tomb on this day, on this sunny Sunday, and return home holding onto the miracle for ourselves, amazed at what had happened?
The first choice is hard, but friends, it is our calling.

Good Friday
This is the night that everything changed and we need to feel that change, imbibe it, let it wash over us, because for us to understand the Easter story, we must live through the passion.
This is a night of mourning, not hope.

Welcoming all
And Christ is still calling his church to a similar form of love, that we who are here and have been here a long while, are to welcome the stranger, welcome them in such a way where we are not asking them to bend to our ways but for us to bend to their ways, as if a flower seeking new life in the light of a new sun.

“Glory to God” to “Crucify him.”
We are reminded of the joy that life brings and that even in the tragedy of our dying, there is somber solace that even in death remains hope.

The poor will always be with us?
The kingdom is not just about our reward for being good people, instead it is the higher state in which God desires us to live for it is a place without suffering, without hunger, without fear.

You go
You remember kicking the dirt as you paced in the yard back and forth, the feeling that you were the second born and all the responsibility of running the family business would pass on to your brother while you would first spend time under your father’s yoke and then your brother’s.

Our story resides in Christ
The message of this story is twofold; that God wants us to be free from oppression, enslavement, and suffering, us being all of God’s people; and that further, we escape death through our faith and repentance in Christ.

We must prepare
And in that giving up, find yourself in the mystery of God’s love; not whether you deserve that love but ponder where in that love you will frolic, where in that love you will find joy when the resurrection comes and Easter arrives.

Ash Wednesday
Our faith does not mean we get to escape all those things, good and bad, that make our human selves that which they are, imperfect, irrational, fragile.

Montclair, NJ and leaving the mountaintop
The temptation to stay in this place, this room, this church, where we can be constantly refreshed, forgiven and be in companionship with each other, with people we love is real and must be overcome.
For we are to descend those stairs or that ramp outside these doors just as Moses descended his mountain to share God’s law and just as Elijah descended his mountain to share God’s word and just as Jesus descended his mountain to walk this earth as the Son of Man.

This whole Christianity thing…
And yet I wonder if the help we provide sometimes, the help I provide sometimes, would take a different shape if the hunger I fed was my mother’s hunger; if the person to whom I gave a blanket would have been given a warm bed if it was my brother exposed to New England’s winter freeze.